Thursday, July 31, 2014

My Favorite Product - the SKINNY WRAP

And there it is.  The ultimate body applicator - also known as the Skinny Wrap!  This wrap is literally melting inches off of peoples bodies.  All over.  You can apply it anywhere - tummy, thighs, calves, booty, back fat, arms, neck, chin, upper chest.  Seriously anywhere.  And it works in 45 minutes! This is not water loss either.  In fact, you drink half your body weight in ounces every day to flush toxins.

The Ultimate Body Applicator is a non-woven cloth wrap that has been infused with a powerful, botanically-based formula to deliver maximum tightening, toning, and firming results where applied to the skin.
  • Tightens, tones, & firms
  • Minimizes cellulite appearance
  • Improves skin texture & tightness
  • Mess-free and simple to use
  • Results in as little as 45 minutes
  • Progressive results over 72 hours
  • Made with natural ingredients
Take a look at some of these amazing results:

Are YOU ready to try this CRAZY WRAP thing?  Leave a comment below or message me directly to find out more!  
Click here to order:

Have You Tried That CRAZY WRAP Thing? Here's MY story!

Let me first start by saying that I'm not the biggest fan of direct marketing.  I do not enjoy hosting or going to home parties. I do not like feeling pressured to buy stuff I don't need.  I would quickly look for the nearest escape and politely decline just about any invitation to a "home party." I would NEVER host a party and I would most certainly NOT EVER EVER EVER sell any of these products myself.  Well, cut me a piece of pie and call it humble.  That was all before May 2014 came along and changed everything. 

I should also say that I am the biggest skeptic of them all, I've fallen for the "too good to be true" product one too many times.  My husband rolls his eyes every time I tell him about a new diet or a new pill or that this time will be different.  So when a girl from my hometown started posting before and after wrap pictures on her Facebook and Instagram, I had to look.  But I didn't believe, didn't think they actually work, and they most definitely would not work on me.  She kept on and on, posting unbelievable pictures of so many transformations.  I couldn't get away from the pictures.  So many pictures.  Such amazing results.

Then I couldn't wait any longer.  So I called her, asked all the usual questions and placed my order. They arrived on a Friday and since I don't usually don't do my best to stay healthy on the weekends, I decided to wait until Monday to do my first wrap.  Monday arrived and I was pretty excited about wrap day.  I laid all my equipment out on the bathroom counter, I took my measurements, I got out my camera to take my before picture, I looked in the mirror, looked again at my measurements and then I quickly put my camera away, deciding wisely that no one should see that.  I sulked for a minute, but then I put the wrap on, and started drinking water.  And I drank and drank.  Then my tummy started tingling. Like a cool, menthol tingling.  I sort of liked it. I'm weird like that.  Then my 45 minutes was up.  I went back upstairs, took the wrap off, rubbed in the lotion and got out my measuring tape.  I could not wait to see my amazing transformation.  Drumroll, please....and there it was - a 1/2" loss on my tummy. Huh. That's it?  Did I measure right?  I sure didn't have a tight tummy and I still could not find an ab if I tried.  Thankfully my friend had warned me to not get discouraged if I don't see huge results right away.  So, I didn't.  I followed the directions and drank 1/2 of my body weight in water (that's a lot of water!) every day for the next 72 hours while the wrap continues to work.  Then I measured again.  Well, over those 72 hours, I lost another 1/2" for a total of 1".  Ok, not great, but if nothing else, it showed me that it was actually working. 

my equipment - minus the camera

Still skeptical, I got ready to do my second wrap. I measured, looked at my camera, put it safely in a drawer so that it could not accidently snap a picture, and put my wrap on.  I drank my water, did the dishes, enjoyed the tingles and this time kept it on for a little over an hour.  When time was up, I measured again.  And again a 1/2" loss.  Ok, so I figured that maybe it's just that I have more inches to lose and it's going to take longer.  No biggie.  Not the miracle I was hoping for, but it was still working.  The next morning I got up and took my measurements again. And again. And again. I could not believe my eyes.  I was down another 3 inches!  3 inches!  There's no way to mis-measure that.  Three inches is huge!  So couple that with the 1" loss from my first wrap and that was a total of 4 1/2" in just one week! 

see? three inches is a lot.

I woke my husband up, had him confirm three inches (I'm not the best at math) and then we both said, "WOW!" Later that morning I texted my hometown girl that sold me the wraps and asked her if it was actually possible to have lost 4 1/2" in just two wraps.  She texted me back, "absolutely it's possible!" That afternoon we set up a three-way call - I needed to hear more about this product and this company.  When my husband came home that evening, we sat down and started talking about It Works! and the business opportunity I learned about that afternoon.  We decided to not jump into anything, to pray about it and really seek the Lord in this decision.  We did and we waited.

I am currently a stay at home mom to one daughter that will be in first grade in the fall. Since she was in school full time, I wanted to find a little something to do for myself that would give me something to do and help my family, but that would still allow me to be home when she got off the bus.  I knew I didn't want to go back to full-time work at an office, but I didn't want work part time at the mall either.  At the time, It Works! was offering a sign-up bonus of sorts, where if you signed up by May 31 and reached a certain level in the company in your first three months as a distributor, you would earn a $10,000 bonus.  While that was definitely enticing, my husband did not want that to be a deciding factor in our decision.  So I didn't.  I let May 31 come and go.  We continued to pray and I was really starting to feel the tug to join It Works!, especially since the bonus was gone and I could look at it with a clearer head.  About a week into June, we both decided that I was going to give this a try.  Me! The girl that hates direct sales. The girl that hates sales in general.  We both believed so much in the company, in the products and in the Lord that we were going to jump in both feet first.  Just as I was getting ready to call and get signed up, I got a text from my hometown friend.  She wanted to let me know that the $10,000 bonus offer had just been extended for anyone that signed up by June 30.  Though that bonus is definitely my goal, I'm not giving up if I don't make it.  I love these products so much and I believe so much in them and in the company.  I am so excited to be going on this amazing journey to give my family an amazing life! 

Click here to order: